Hotspot free vpn
Hotspot free vpn

hotspot free vpn

Avoid being snooped by your ISP and prevent websites from ad tracking and targeting. The button connects you to one of many anonymous servers at speeds faster than a web proxy. ⇨ Free VPN – Hotspot Shield Basic is a one-click VPN Proxy Service. ⇨ Enjoy complete anonymity - hide your IP address, identity, and location from websites and online trackers. Free VPN – Hotspot Shield Basic encrypts your data and provides you with banking-level security for the best protection. When you’re connected to a public Wi-Fi Hotspot, your name, passwords, and personal information can be easily compromised. Bypass geo-restrictions to unblock any website wherever you are! Evade firewalls to unblock social media sites, video streaming services, and circumvent VOIP limitations. With Free VPN – Hotspot Shield Basic you can: ✓ Performance: We fully own all VPN servers to ensure fastest VPN speed, and most stable & secured connections.įree VPN – Hotspot Shield Basic is 100% free, unlimited, secured and super easy to use. ✓ Security: Our military - level SSL encryption will make you fully anonymous and secured. You are completely anonymous with Hotspot Shield.

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✓ Privacy: We do not keep user activities logs. ✓ Simple: Unblock the world with just one touch of the “Connect” button. No session, speed or bandwidth limitations. No credit card information or sign up needed. Highlights of Free VPN – Hotspot Shield Basic for your Android: ⇨ Get protected from hackers and snoopers on public WiFi connections. ⇨ Stay private and anonymous online, preventing anyone from tracking your online activities. It also makes your online activities completely private, anonymous and secured. ⇨ Unblock and access all websites and apps with no worries about geo-restrictions. With Free VPN – Hotspot Shield Basic, you can: If you need the full version of Hotspot Shield for wider server coverage, please download from here: This is the 100% Free and Unlimited version of Hotspot Shield VPN Proxy and has the basic features. Description of Hotspot Shield Basic - Free VPN Proxy & Privacy

Hotspot free vpn